One Page Productions is a small printing press founded by Woody Leslie in 2008, with an original focus on books made out of a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper. The genres of the different books span from poetry to pornography, and their lengths are all directly proportional to their size – the smaller the book, the more pages it has – but the unifying feature about all of them is their 187 square inch beginnings.

1Pp's original conception was to design books for cheap and easy mass-production. The one page formats lent themselves not only to simple reproduction, but also, thanks to their small size, to easy distribution. The first set of books were zipped off on a black and white photocopier, mailed to friends, handed out to strangers, snuck onto the shelves of bookstores and libraries, and even left on public transportation. Through support of the AJL Foundation, 1Pp was able to establish in-house printing capabilities, allowing for increased production and even sales.

In addition to the main run of tiny books showcased here on this site, 1Pp also published a small selection of larger (more than one page) artists' books between 2011 and 2014.

Originally founded in Boston, One Page Productions has found many different homes across the country, including a few stints at Charuby Studios in northern Vermont, a six-month residency at F&F Studios in San Rafael, CA in 2010/2011, and a three year run at Chooklyn Farms in Brooklyn, NY from 2011 to 2014. In 2015, a year after relocating to Chicago, One Page Productions was acquired by Large Home Tiny Idea.

While all 1Pp titles are now out of print, one can still find copies of the books internationally in various public and private collections, and occasionally for sale. As part of the procurement, Large Home Tiny Idea acquired 1Pp's backstock of books, many of which are available for sale.